The fitzwilliam conference
Directions to the Woodbound Inn
Directions to Woodbound Inn
247 Woodbound Road
Rindge, NH 03461
(603) 532-8341 or (800) 688-7770
From the East or West
There are three main east/west routes to bring you into our area of the Monadnock Region. Rt. 101 to Rt. 202 in Peterborough. Rt. 124 t oRt. 202 in Jaffrey or Rt. 119 to Rt. 202 in Rindge. (See below for continued directions)
From the North (Peterborough and Jaffrey)
From Peterborough follow Rt. 202 South into Jaffrey (Route 202 turns right, then left through downtown Jaffrey, so watch for the signs) From the traffic lights in Jaffrey travel sough approximately 3 miles. At the blue state highway sign on the right for the Woodbound Inn, take the next left onto South Woodbound Road. Proceed about 2/10 miles and turn left onto the Woodbound Road. The Inn is 1.8 miles on the left.
From the South (Rindge, NH and MA)
From the state line follow Rt. 202 North into Rindge, approximately 3.75 miles tothe intersection of Rt. 119. Go straight at the traffic light, continuing approximately one mile. Watch for a blue state highway sign on the right for the Woodbound Inn. Take the next right turn onto south Woodbound Road. Proceed about 2/10 mile and turn left onto Woodbound Road. The Inn is 1.8 miles on the left.